Kofi and U.N. Snake Oil
Kofi Annan recently wrote in the Wall Street Journal that "The U.N. needs to be reformed, but it still performs a crucial function."
This is an amazingly self-serving statement from the head of an organization that he admits:
Kofi does point out that after the recent tsunami, "...when all involved came together in Jakarta to plan and coordinate the multinational effort, everyone, including the U.S., agreed that the U.N. should take the lead." He points out that it does have some uses (however far they may be from the U.N.'s original charter).
I find this analogous to a snake oil saleman who is confronted with the fact that his "remedy for what ails you" product 1) doesn't work as purported, 2) is actually poisonous, having killed several local people, and 3) is extraordinarily lucrative for the seller. Upon being confronted with these facts, the seller says, "But you can use it to remove tarnish from your silver... Don't take this wonderful product off of the market!"
Kofi doesn't understand - we are realizing that we have been bilked by the U.N. We were sold a bill of goods; we were promised that it would promote world peace and help eliminate hegemony. Instead, it promotes destabilizing, anti-democratic and anti-freedom producing forces. It encourages hegemony and totalitarian states. (But it is good as a relief agency.)
Kofi, your organization is snake oil, dangerous snake oil at that.
This is an amazingly self-serving statement from the head of an organization that he admits:
Yet I am the first to admit that real and troubling failures--ethical lapses and lax management--have been brought to light. I am determined, with the help of member states, to carry through the management reforms which are clearly called for by Mr. Volcker's findings.Kofi acknowledges that under his watch there have been some very significant "ethical lapses" (involving people, like, hmmm..., like himself and his family), and "lax management" (again involving people, like, hmmm..., like himself). Yet, Kofi begs us to still rely on the U.N.
Even more shocking are widespread cases of sexual exploitation and abuse of minors by peacekeepers and U.N. officials in the Congo and other African countries. Both the U.N. Secretariat and the member states have been too slow to realize the extent of this problem, take effective measures to end it, and punish the culprits. But we are now doing so, and I am determined to see it through.
Kofi does point out that after the recent tsunami, "...when all involved came together in Jakarta to plan and coordinate the multinational effort, everyone, including the U.S., agreed that the U.N. should take the lead." He points out that it does have some uses (however far they may be from the U.N.'s original charter).
I find this analogous to a snake oil saleman who is confronted with the fact that his "remedy for what ails you" product 1) doesn't work as purported, 2) is actually poisonous, having killed several local people, and 3) is extraordinarily lucrative for the seller. Upon being confronted with these facts, the seller says, "But you can use it to remove tarnish from your silver... Don't take this wonderful product off of the market!"
Kofi doesn't understand - we are realizing that we have been bilked by the U.N. We were sold a bill of goods; we were promised that it would promote world peace and help eliminate hegemony. Instead, it promotes destabilizing, anti-democratic and anti-freedom producing forces. It encourages hegemony and totalitarian states. (But it is good as a relief agency.)
Kofi, your organization is snake oil, dangerous snake oil at that.
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