Saturday, November 06, 2004

It's a "Vision" thing...

For me, the vision that established this great U.S. government was one of individual freedom so that enterprising individuals could survive in a hostile environment. The basic premise of our "American experiment" was a government based on the resourcefulness of an individual locked in struggle. Our pioneer heritage lauded the resourcefulness of the individual in overcoming the challenges of settling a new country. The new government created room for enterprising individuals to all have a say in governance (i.e., democratic principles) - but recognized the opposition of ideas and frailties of man so created ample checks and balances. The American vision was based on individual freedom to make choices in an evironment presumed to be hostile. The hostile forces against which man struggled were specifically viewed to include the environment and other people, to include the government, to include competitive forces, to include other nations. In fact, the American vison was one of a people locked in a struggle even with themselves.

The vision that seems to be espoused by the Left today is quite different. Instead of recognizing man as locked in struggle - and acknowledging the freedoms necessary to succeed in those struggles - the Left presumes that we exist in world without hostilities. They presume that our 'enemies' would be our friends if only we would allow them the chance. They presume that we will all cooperate in a utopian / egalitarian society "to each according to their needs, from each according to their capacity." They presume that criminals are simply a product of an impoverished environment - and that crimes are not really aimed at individuals, but are societal aberrations. The government is our godmother and will benevolently protect us at all times.

This concept of a "struggle-less society" underlies their agenda for change. Eliminate the right to bear arms - as no conflict worthy of violence really exists. Eliminate the economic consequences of indolence or thrift - as we will all happily share what we have. Eliminate acts of war - as all countries are really our friends. There are no struggles to them. "Everything's just fine here, move along." might be their mantra.

Somehow, I just don't see it. How did the concept of man in struggle against a hostile environment get changed to the concept of man at harmony with an idyllic world? Despite the realities of islamofascist violence against us, despite the barrage of crime in the cities, despite the Left's own political vitriol - they continue to belive "Everything's just fine." They espouse an agenda where man is deprived of those freedoms required to succeed against hostilities.

Sir Francis Bacon is purported to have said, "Man prefers to believe what he prefers to be true." I think that the vision of the Left is not based on the realities of the world we live in. I prefer the original vision of our country's founders. I see my own struggle to survive.


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