Debate Shebate
Are there really any undecided voters still out there? I think everybody that has enough intelligence to mark a ballot really has their mind made up already - and all of this blather about being undecided is nothing but self-agrandizement. This posturing is nothing but trying to feel important by self-proclaiming oneself a part of the group that will "determine" the election.
Come on, nobody with half a mind or that is awake is undecided still. If someone really is still undecided - I would contend that they are so out of touch with reality that they almost assuredly will not vote (at least for themselves - maybe their nursing-home caregivers will vote for them, though).
So if there aren't undecided voters, what use are these debates? I don't think these undecided really exist. I think that the debates are more of a showcase for the pundits and for the television news analysts who get yet another opportunity to push their particular candidate.
The debates are a sham. Boycott them!
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